Experiments with ruby-processing (processing-2.2.1) and JRubyArt for processing-3.0

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Toxiclibs (or any other processing library) as a rubygem

As a proof of principle I have created gem that wraps some of Karsten Schmidts (aka toxi @toxi, aka postspectacular k@thi.ng) toxiclibs as a ruby-gem. This gem has been shown to usable with ruby-processing (or its development version JRubyArt) but if yokolet is right it can also be used with clojure, and other jvm languages (by using JRuby Embed, formerly RedBridge). Here is more on RedBridge and clojure.
require 'toxiclibs'

include Toxi

# <p>GrayScottToneMap shows how to use the ColorGradient & ToneMap classes of the
# colorutils package to create a tone map for rendering the results of
# the Gray-Scott reaction-diffusion.</p>
# <p><strong>Usage:</strong><ul>
# <li>click + drag mouse to draw dots used as simulation seed</li>
# <li>press any key to reset</li>
# </ul></p>

# Copyright (c) 2010 Karsten Schmidt
# This demo & library is free software you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA


attr_reader :gs, :tone_map

def setup
  @gs= Toxi::GrayScott.new width,height, false
  @gs.set_coefficients 0.021, 0.076, 0.12, 0.06
  # create a color gradient for 256 values
  grad = Toxi::ColorGradient.new
  # NamedColors are preset colors, but any TColor can be added
  # see javadocs for list of names:
  # http://toxiclibs.org/docs/colorutils/toxi/color/NamedColor.html
  # NB: use '::' in place of '.' here for these java constants
  grad.add_color_at(0, Toxi::NamedColor::BLACK)
  grad.add_color_at(128, Toxi::NamedColor::RED)
  grad.add_color_at(192, Toxi::NamedColor::YELLOW)
  grad.add_color_at(255, Toxi::NamedColor::WHITE)
  # this gradient is used to map simulation values to colors
  # the first 2 parameters define the min/max values of the
  # input range (Gray-Scott produces values in the interval of 0.0 - 0.5)
  # setting the max = 0.33 increases the contrast
  @tone_map = Toxi::ToneMap.new 0, 0.33, grad

def draw
  @gs.set_rect(mouse_x, mouse_y, 20, 20) if mouse_pressed?
  # update the simulation a few time steps
  NUM_ITERATIONS.times { @gs.update(1) }
  # read out the V result array
  # and use tone map to render colours
  gs.v.length.times do |i|
    pixels[i]=tone_map.getARGBToneFor(gs.v[i])  # NB: don't camel case convert here

def key_pressed

Here is another example running a JRubyArt sketch from netbeans.

Monday, 27 October 2014

For the next version of ruby-processing examples will not be included in the gem.

You will still be able to install using "rp5 setup unpack_samples" which will just download and install the sketches for you:-


Many of the vanilla processing example sketches have been translated to ruby-processing, and they are mainly written as 'bare' sketches (ie not class wrapped) in keeping with the original processing. At runtime these sketches the get wrapped into a Sketch class. Should you prefer you can still write class wrapped sketches, these will work equally well with ruby processing. Certain sketches must be run with JRuby-Complete (load_image and shader sketches), this is some java permissions thing with jruby. You should also checkout the Nature of Code Examples in ruby and for the beginner Learning Processing with Ruby.

Partial Catalogue (for the lazy)

  1. Basic

    1. structure
    2. objects
    3. arrays
    4. input
    5. shape
    6. image
    7. control
  2. Topics

    1. shaders
    2. lsystems
  3. Libraries

    1. fastmath
    2. vecmath
    3. control-panel

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Sketch featuring Vec2D to_curve_vertex (JRubyArt)

# Soft Body by Ira Greenberg
# Softbody dynamic simulation using curve_vertex
# and curve_tightness (and new Vec2D to_curve_vertex)
require 'jruby_art'

# SoftBody class wrapped JRubyArt sketch features Vec2D :to_curve_vertex
class SoftBody < Processing::App
  attr_reader :accel, :center, :frequency, :radius, :rot_angle
  attr_reader :organic_constant, :nodes, :renderer, :angle, :node_start
  SPRINGING = 0.0009
  DAMPING = 0.98
  NODES = 5

  def setup
    size 640, 360
    @renderer = AppRender.new(self)
    frame_rate 30

  def init_node
    @accel = Vec2D.new
    @center = Vec2D.new(width / 2, height / 2)
    @radius = 45
    @organic_constant = 1
    @rot_angle = -90
    @nodes = (0...NODES).map { Vec2D.new }
    @frequency = (0...NODES).map { rand(5..12) }
    @angle = Array.new(NODES, 0)

  def draw
    fill(0, 100)
    rect(0, 0, width, height)

  def draw_shape
    fill 255
    nodes.each { |vec| vec.to_curve_vertex(renderer) }
    nodes.take(NODES - 1).each { |vec| vec.to_curve_vertex(renderer) }

  def update
    delta = Vec2D.new(mouse_x - center.x, mouse_y - center.y)
    delta *= SPRINGING
    @accel += delta
    @center += accel
    @accel *= DAMPING
    @organic_constant = 1 - (((accel.x).abs + (accel.y).abs) * 0.1)
    @node_start = create_start

  def create_start
    (0...NODES).map do |n|
        center.x + DegLut.cos(n * (360 / NODES)) * radius,
        center.y + DegLut.sin(n * (360 / NODES)) * radius

  def move_shape
    (0...NODES).each do |i|
      nodes[i] = Vec2D.new(
      node_start[i].x + DegLut.sin(angle[i]) * (accel.x * 2),
      node_start[i].y + DegLut.sin(angle[i]) * (accel.y * 2)
      angle[i] = frequency[i] + angle[i]

SoftBody.new(title: 'Soft Body')

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

More progress with JRubyArt (Alternative ruby-processing implementation)

Now JRubyArt can run with a post-install vendored jruby-complete (this is is unfortunately still required for some sketches owing to a difference in permissions ask @headius).
rp5 setup installk9 setup install
rp5 --nojruby run sketch.rbk9 run sketch.rb
rp5 run sketch.rbjruby sketch.rb

NB: Regular ruby-processing can be made to always run with vendored jruby-complete in ~/.rp5rc config file, but default is to use an installed jruby. MRI ruby can be used start sketches with run mode, but jruby is used to actually run the sketches.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Transducers in ruby-processing

Transducers may be useful in ruby-processing for dealing with all sorts of algorithmic stuff. but in many cases if your brain can take it map, might be equally good. Here is example substituting a regular map with a transducer, I will have to see if I can find a more useful example:-

require 'transducers'                                                                
class GameOfLife < Processing::App                                                
  T = Transducers                                                                    
  def random_data                                                                    
    T.transduce(T.map{ rand(1000) < ALIVE_START }, :<<, [], 0..row * column)

Monday, 6 October 2014

Vec3D to shape vertex in JRubyArt

Here is a shader sketch that will run with regular jruby and the JRubyArt gem, converted from ruby-processing. The original processing sketch by Andrés Colubri used PVector, the use Vec3D allows us to chain vector operations, and further (thanks to the ShapeRender interface) write them directly to the PShape verticies.

# Trefoil, by Andres Colubri
# A parametric surface is textured procedurally
# by drawing on an offscreen PGraphics surface.
# Features (Vec3D).to_normal(renderer) and (Vec3D).to_vertex_uv(renderer, u, v)
# see line 55 for inititialization of renderer where obj is an instance of PShape
# renderer = ShapeRender.new(obj)
require 'jruby_art'

class Trefoil < Processing::AppGL

  attr_reader :pg, :trefoil

  def setup
    size(1024, 768, P3D)
    # Creating offscreen surface for 3D rendering.
    @pg = create_graphics(32, 512, P3D)
    pg.background(0, 0)
    pg.fill(255, 0, 0, 200)
    # Saving trefoil surface into a PShape3D object
    @trefoil = create_trefoil(350, 60, 15, pg)

  def draw
    pg.ellipse(rand(0.0..pg.width), rand(0.0..pg.height), 4, 4)
    ambient(250, 250, 250)
    pointLight(255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 200)
    translate(width/2, height/2, -200)
    rotate_x(frame_count * PI / 500)
    rotate_y(frame_count * PI / 500)

  # Code to draw a trefoil knot surface, with normals and texture 
  # coordinates. Makes of the Vec3D Render interface (uses ShapeRender here).
  # Adapted from the parametric equations example by Philip Rideout:
  # http://iphone-3d-programming.labs.oreilly.com/ch03.html

  # This function draws a trefoil knot surface as a triangle mesh derived
  # from its parametric equation.
  def create_trefoil(s, ny, nx, tex)
    obj = create_shape()
    renderer = ShapeRender.new(obj)
    (0 ... nx).each do |j|
      u0 = j.to_f / nx
      u1 = (j + 1).to_f / nx
      (0 ... ny).each do |i|
        v0 = i.to_f / ny
        v1 = (i + 1).to_f / ny
        p0 = eval_point(u0, v0)
        n0 = eval_normal(u0, v0)
        p1 = eval_point(u0, v1)
        n1 = eval_normal(u0, v1)
        p2 = eval_point(u1, v1)
        n2 = eval_normal(u1, v1)
        # Triangle p0-p1-p2      
        (p0 * s).to_vertex_uv(renderer, u0, v0)
        (p1 * s).to_vertex_uv(renderer, u0, v1)
        (p2 * s).to_vertex_uv(renderer, u1, v1)
        p1 = eval_point(u1, v0)
        n1 = eval_normal(u1, v0)
        # Triangle p0-p2-p1      
        (p0 * s).to_vertex_uv(renderer, u0, v0)
        (p2 * s).to_vertex_uv(renderer, u1, v1)
        (p1 * s).to_vertex_uv(renderer, u1, v0)
    return obj

  # Evaluates the surface normal corresponding to normalized 
  # parameters (u, v)
  def eval_normal(u, v)
    # Compute the tangents and their cross product.
    p = eval_point(u, v)
    tang_u = eval_point(u + 0.01, v)
    tang_v = eval_point(u, v + 0.01)
    tang_u -= p
    tang_v.cross(tang_u).normalize! # it is easy to chain Vec3D operations

  # Evaluates the surface point corresponding to normalized 
  # parameters (u, v)
  def eval_point(u, v)
    a = 0.5
    b = 0.3
    c = 0.5
    d = 0.1
    s = TAU * u
    t = (TAU * (1 - v)) * 2
    sint = Math.sin(t)
    cost = Math.cos(t)
    sint15 = Math.sin(1.5 * t)
    cost15 = Math.cos(1.5 * t)
    r = a + b * cost15
    x = r * cost
    y = r * sint
    z = c * sint15
    dv = Vec3D.new(
      -1.5 * b * sint15 * cost - y,
      -1.5 * b * sint15 * sint + x,
      1.5 * c * cost15)
    q = dv.normalize     # regular normalize creates a new Vec3D for us
    qvn = Vec3D.new(q.y, -q.x, 0).normalize!  # chained Vec3D operations
    ww = q.cross(qvn)
    coss = Math.cos(s)
    sins = Math.sin(s)
      x + d * (qvn.x * coss + ww.x * sins),
      y + d * (qvn.y * coss + ww.y * sins),
      z + d * ww.z * sins)

Trefoil.new(title: 'Trefoil', fullscreen: true, bgcolor: '#000000')

JRubyArt shader sketch running from netbeans

Probably the most convenient way to explore glsl shader sketches from ruby is to use NetBeans with jruby-plugin, jruby_art gem (and optionally c/c++ plugin). Made possible by Andrés Colubri processing opengl work, tutorial here:-

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Simple ArcBall in JRubyArt running from netbeans

Things are moving fast here, now we can offer full arcball functionality with JRubyArt (and just one line of code for user!!!). Rotation via mouse drag, zoom with mousewheel.Interesting seems I can get rid of Processing:: prefix for arcball by "including Processing" in the AppGL class...
require 'jruby_art'

class MySketch < Processing::AppGL
  def setup
    size 200, 200, P3D
    fill 200, 0, 0
    stroke 0

  def draw
    background 0
    box 100, 100, 100

MySketch.new(title: 'My Sketch')

Rubygems with latest JRubyArt

With regular ruby-processing, the only way to use gems was to use an installed version of jruby (well apart from using some complicated bundler tool). Interestingly currently you seem to be able to use jruby-complete to launch a sketch with JRubyArt (providing youve've installed the gem with your installed jruby). Now the interest in using jruby-complete is all about being able to run sketches that load_image, shaders etc. Many sketches run just fine with an installed jruby.
java -jar jruby-complete game_of_life.rb                                    

Here is the sketch
# game_of_life.rb featuring MDArray in ruby-processing
# A Processing implementation of Game of Life
# By Joan Soler-Adillon
# Press SPACE BAR to pause and change the cell's values with the mouse
# On pause, click to activate/deactivate cells
# Press R to randomly reset the cells' grid
# Press C to clear the cells' grid
# The original Game of Life was created by John Conway in 1970.
require 'jruby_art'
require 'mdarray'

class GameOfLife < Processing::App
  ALIVE = true
  DEAD = false
  WIDTH = 960
  HEIGHT = 640
  SKIP = 10
  INTERVAL = 100

  attr_reader :pause, :cells, :row, :column, :last_time, :alive, :cells_buffer

  def setup
    size WIDTH, HEIGHT
    @row = WIDTH / CELL_SIZE
    @column = HEIGHT / CELL_SIZE
    background 0
    stroke_weight 2
    @last_time = 0
    @pause = false
    @cells = MDArray.boolean([row, column], random_data)
    @alive = color(100, 255, 100)
    stroke(48, 100)

  def draw
    # Draw live cells
    (0...row).each do |x|
      (0...column).each do |y|
        if cells.get([x, y])
          rect(x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE)
    # Iterate if timer ticks
    unless pause
      @last_time = millis
    end if millis - last_time > INTERVAL

    # Create  new cells manually on pause
    if pause && mouse_pressed?
      # Map and avoid out of bound errors (use map1d range and range.clip)
      x_cell_over = (map1d(mouse_x, (0..width), (0..row))).to_i
      x_cell_over = (0..row - 1).clip(x_cell_over)
      y_cell_over = (map1d(mouse_y, (0..height), (0..column))).to_i
      y_cell_over = (0..column - 1).clip(y_cell_over)

      # Check against cells in buffer
      if cells_buffer.get([x_cell_over, y_cell_over])  # Cell is alive
        cells.set([x_cell_over, y_cell_over], DEAD) # Kill
        fill(0) # reflect changed status
      else  # Cell is dead
        cells.set([x_cell_over, y_cell_over], ALIVE) # Make alive
        fill(alive) # Fill alive color

    elsif pause && !mouse_pressed?  # And then save to buffer once mouse goes up
      # Save cells to buffer (so we operate with one array keeping the other intact)
      @cells_buffer = cells.copy

  def tick!  # When the clock ticks
    # Save cells to buffer (so we operate with one array keeping the other intact)
    @cells_buffer = cells.copy
    # Visit each cell:
    (0...row).each do |x|
      (0...column).each do |y|
        # And visit all the neighbours of each cell
        neighbours = 0 # We'll count the neighbours
        (x - 1..x + 1).each do |xx|
          (y - 1..y + 1).each do |yy|
            # Make sure you are not out of bounds
            next unless [(xx >= 0), (xx < row), (yy >= 0), (yy < column)].all? { |in_bounds| in_bounds == true }
            # Make sure to check against self
            unless [(xx == x), (yy == y)].all? { |is_self| is_self == true }
              if cells_buffer.get([xx, yy]) # true == ALIVE
                neighbours += 1 # Check alive neighbours and count them
              end # alive
            end # End of if self
          end # End of yy loop
        end # End of xx loop
        # We've checked the neighbours: apply rules in one line (only in ruby)!
        cells.set([x, y], (cells_buffer.get([x, y])) ? ((2..3) === neighbours) : (neighbours == 3))
      end # End of y loop
    end # End of x loop
  end # End of function

  def key_pressed
    case key
    when 'r', 'R'
      # Restart: reinitialization of cells
      @cells = MDArray.boolean([row, column], random_data)
    when ' ' # On/off of pause
      @pause = !pause
    when 'c', 'C' # Clear all
      @cells = MDArray.boolean([row, column], DEAD)

  def random_data
    (0...row * column).map { rand(1000) < ALIVE_START }

GameOfLife.new(title: 'Game of Life mdarray version')

Alternative Ruby-Processing implementation

Currently I am working on a new version of JRubyArt to create an alternative ruby wrapper for processing (to ruby-processing).
  • Sketches run as regular ruby scripts (just need jruby)
  • Vecmath libraries developed for ruby-processing built in
  • You can use Netbeans-8.0.1 to develop and run sketches
  • From netbeans you load and use other gems with your sketches
  • Has a blank sketch creator built in
  • Is in development (yet to support opengl sketches, libraries)
Some sketches as with regular ruby-processing (load image etc) require jruby-complete to run, but with netbeans this is not a problem:-


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About Me

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I have developed JRubyArt and propane new versions of ruby-processing for JRuby- and processing-3.2.2