Experiments with ruby-processing (processing-2.2.1) and JRubyArt for processing-3.0

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Revised Perlin Noise Sketch (to use pixel array)

A somewhat optimized sketch, makes use of processing pixel array functionality, takes a little time to "warm-up". Original used P3D mode, probably should have been P2D (apparently better than default for pixel array type sketches)....

# amp_zoom_in.rb
# adapted from a sketch at http://www.biothing.org
attr_reader :col, :a, :b, :c, :k, :amp, :time

def setup()
  size(640, 480, P2D)
  color_mode(RGB, 1.0)

def draw()
  @time += 0.1   #step ahead in time with each frame
  #now go through each pixel in the window:

  (0...width).each do |x|
    (0...height).each do |y|
      #create values with trig functions, noise, etc acting on x,y and time.  
      #experiment with how these values are modulating over time.

      @a = dist(x, y, width/2, height/2)
      @b= (cos(x/360.0 + time)).abs         # frequency larger means less
      @c = noise(y/180.0*cos(time/20.0))    # inteference, larger means less
      @amp = k                              # amplitude

      @col = color((cos(a/120.0 + b + c * 10.0).abs)) * amp
      #combine values into a color somehow.  again the possibilities are limitless
        pixels[y * width + x] = col
  @k += 1 

def reset
  @k = 0
  @time = 0

Revisiting My Voronoi Application

I had the idea for sometime to optimize this application. As before the application uses Lee Byrons library which in turn depends on John Lloyds QuickHull3D library (both can be accessed at the Lee Byron link). One day I might re-write the application to use a 3D mesh library directly. The major optimization here is to use processings built in pixels array functionality. The app will work best if the aspect ratio of the image is the same as the frame size (1:1 is probably optimal?). I have introduced an auto-scale feature that seems to work...

Use the view raw feature (below) if you want to copy the code.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Creating simple animations using the SunflowAPIAPI library and jruby

Here I explore the animation possibilities of the SunflowAPIAPI library (nothing on the scale of the one by amnon.owed).
It is very simple to use ruby syntax to create different views of a scene by changing the camera position, and use sunflow to render each image. Rather than modify each frame, I had the idea of using 20 incremental views, and crudely converting them to 200 frames by copying each view 10 times. I then used mencoder to stitch the frames together to produce a short movie. Here is the result:-

Changing the camera Sunflow Hair from monkstone on Vimeo.

# hair.rb NB: run this script directly with jruby

require 'library/sunflow_api/library/sunflow_api.jar'
require 'library/sunflow/library/sunflow.jar'
require 'library/sunflow/library/janino.jar'
require 'library/sunflow/library/commons-compiler.jar'

class BasicHair 

  API = Java::Com::briansteen::SunflowAPIAPI
  SMath = Java::Org::sunflow::math
  JColor = java.awt.Color  
  attr_reader :width, :height, :n_particles, :sunflow
  def initialize width = 640, height = 480, cam_x = 0
    @width = width
    @height = height
    @n_particles = 20
    # create a new API instance
    @sunflow = API.new
    # set width and height
    # set background color
    @sunflow.set_background(1, 1, 1)
    # set camera
    @sunflow.set_camera_position(cam_x, 7, 5)
    @sunflow.set_camera_target(2, 0.5, 0)
    @sunflow.set_thinlens_camera("thinLensCamera", 50, width/height)
    # set basic light
    @sunflow.set_point_light("myPointLight", SMath::Point3.new(0, 5, 5),
    JColor.new(255, 255, 255))
    @sunflow.set_directional_light("myDirectionalLight", SMath::Point3.new(-2, 3, 0),
    SMath::Vector3.new(0, 0, 0), 3, JColor.new(1, 1, 1))
    # @sunflow.setSphereLight("mySphereLight", SMath::Point3.new(0, 30, -5),
    # JColor.new(0, 0, 255), 32, 10)
    # draw a ground plane
    @sunflow.draw_plane("ground", SMath::Point3.new(0, 0, 0), SMath::Vector3.new(0, 1, 0))              
    # coordinates array
    @sunflow.draw_box("boxname", 0, 0, 0, 1)
  def create_scene
    hair_widths = [0.025]
    # create particle coordinates
    350.times do |j|
      # particle start position
      particle_x = Math.cos(j * 0.5) * j * 0.0015
      particle_y = 0
      particle_z = Math.sin(j * 0.5) * j * 0.0015 
      hair_coordinates = Array.new(n_particles * 3)
      array_index = -1
      n_particles.times do |i|
        particle_x += 0.1 + Math.cos(i * 0.15 + j * 0.05) * 0.13
        particle_y -= Math.sin(particle_z * 0.01 + j * 0.05) * 0.125 +
        Math.cos(i * 0.5 + particle_y) * 0.125
        particle_z += Math.sin(i) * 0.25 + particle_y * 0.01                            
        hair_coordinates[array_index += 1] = particle_x
        hair_coordinates[array_index += 1] = particle_y
        hair_coordinates[array_index += 1] = particle_z
      # set ambient occlusion shader
      @sunflow.setAmbientOcclusionShader("myAmbientOcclusionShader#{j}", JColor.new(55, 55, 55),
      JColor.new(0, 0, 0), 16, 1)
      # set glass shader
      # @sunflow.setGlassShader("myGlassShader", JColor.new(1, 1, 1), 2.5, 3, JColor.new(1, 1, 1))
      # set shiny-diffuse shader
      # @sunflow.setShinyDiffuseShader("myShinyShader", JColor.new(55, 55, 55), 0.8)
      # draw object
      @sunflow.draw_hair("hair#{j}", n_particles - 2, hair_coordinates.to_java(:float),
  def render_scene filename = nil
    sunflow.setIrradianceCacheGIEngine(32, 0.4, 1, 15, nil)            
    # render
    sunflow.render() unless filename
    if filename
      begin # test for dodgy filename/path
        file = File.new(filename, "w")
        sunflow.render(filename) # save as png image
        puts "Warning #{filename} is not writable"

20.times do |i|
  hair = BasicHair.new 640, 480, i                   # preferred render size for vimeo
  hair.render_scene "/home/tux/ruby_sunflow/frame-#{i}.png" # default is to render in sunflow frame ie not to file

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Performance tune-ups (or not) for jruby sunflow raytracing

When I realised that sunflow is multi-threaded I thought there may be some performance tune-ups possible.

These are the steps I tried:-
  1. I've updated my sunflow to use the latest janino compiler, only a small amount of re-factoring was required essentially deprecating two types of error and revising one because it has been re-factored to the commons-compiler.
  2. I'm using the --server option
  3. I'm using the --fast option
  4. I've increased the heap space -J-Xmx1024m
  5. I've enabled thread pooling -J-Djruby.thread.pooling=true

I'm not sure what effect if any updating the janino compiler has but to my mind it makes the application a bit more future-proof (there is the option to upgrade from java 1.4 syntax see janino web site). The windows 0.073 version of sunflow is claimed to be faster on the basis of a native compiler, I doubt it.

Using the server option is a good thing, regular java uses it by default, I'm not sure about jruby. Because --server is a proxy for -J-server, suggest to me that you may need this option since it has been made easier to use?

Using the --fast option ensures pre-compilation (amongst other speed-ups) which must be good thing here?

Allocating increased memory is the only thing the sunflow.sh script does. Running the sunflow.jar directly (java -jar sunflow.jar) requests > 800 mb heap space to run.

The thread pooling is used to prevent wasteful ruby green threads being spawned. Both cores on my dual core linux box were kept running flat out according to my conky readout.

Now the difference between none of these measures, and running with the speed-ups seemed to be noticeable, so I thought I would measure it?


Now I've done a bit of measurement I'm not so sure perhaps it was the janino compiler change after all?

The --server command certainly makes no difference for me, default is --server.

Well it turns out it is all in the imagination when I measured the different compilers with or without any "performance" options performance was much the same...

However I was very impressed with the new StructureSynth built in ray tracing facility, which has apparently been been built with efficiency in mind, the default setting is for 4 processors (2 real, 2 virtual). Apparently povray lags behind in that regard?

Friday, 1 October 2010

SunflowAPIAPI test example using jruby

See previous post for how to setup java libraries. If you are mad like me, and have updated sunflow to use the latest janino compiler you should require the commons-compiler.jar as well.

# sunflow_test.rb NB: run this script directly with jruby

require 'library/sunflow_api/library/sunflow_api.jar'
require 'library/sunflow/library/sunflow.jar'
require 'library/sunflow/library/janino.jar'

class SunflowTest
  API = Java::Com::briansteen::SunflowAPIAPI
  SMath = Java::Org::sunflow::math
  attr_reader :sunflow

  def initialize width = 500, height = 500
    @sunflow = API.new
    sunflow.set_camera_position(0, 2.5, -5)
    sunflow.set_camera_target(0, 0, 0)
    sunflow.set_thinlens_camera("thinLensCamera", 50, width/height)
  def create_scene
    sunflow.draw_plane("ground", SMath::Point3.new(0,-3.5,0), SMath::Vector3.new(0, 1, 0))
    sunflow.draw_sphere_flake("mySphereFlake", 20, SMath::Vector3.new(0, 1, 0), 1)
  def render_scene filename = nil
    sunflow.setPathTracingGIEngine 6           
    # render
    sunflow.render unless filename
    if filename
      begin # test for dodgy filename/path
        file = File.new(filename, "w")
        sunflow.render(filename) # save as png image
        puts "Warning #{filename} is not writable"

test = SunflowTest.new


About Me

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I have developed JRubyArt and propane new versions of ruby-processing for JRuby- and processing-3.2.2