Experiments with ruby-processing (processing-2.2.1) and JRubyArt for processing-3.0

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Adding some controls to Sierpinski sketch

# A controllable Sierpinski Variant implemented using a
# Lindenmayer System in ruby-processing by Martin Prout
require 'sierpinski'

class Sierpinski_Test < Processing::App
  load_libraries :grammar, :control_panel

  attr_reader :sierpinski, :fine, :coarse, :generation, :scale_factor, :xpos, :ypos

  def setup
    size(1000, 1000)    
  def setup_panel
    control_panel do |c|
      c.title = "Controller:"
      c.slider :fine, 0.00..3.00, 0.00
      c.slider :coarse, 0.00..3.00, 0.00
      c.slider :generation, 5..8, 6
      c.slider :scale_factor, 1..4, 1
      c.slider :xpos, 0..1000, 100
      c.slider :ypos, 0..1000, 700
      c.button :redraw_fractal

  def redraw_fractal
    @sierpinski = Sierpinski.new(xpos, ypos)
    sierpinski.gamma = fine/150 + coarse/15
    sierpinski.factor = scale_factor  
  def draw 
    background 0

# sierpinski.rb
class Sierpinski
  include Processing::Proxy
  attr_accessor :axiom, :grammar, :start_length, :production, :draw_length, :gamma, :factor
  attr_reader :xpos, :ypos
  DELTA = (Math::PI/180) * 60.0  
  def initialize(xpos, ypos)
    @xpos = xpos
    @ypos = ypos
    @axiom = "A"
    @grammar = Grammar.new axiom
    grammar.add_rule "A", "B+A+B"        
    grammar.add_rule "B", "A-B-A"
    @start_length = 400
    @factor = 1 
    stroke 255
    @production = axiom
    @draw_length = start_length
    @gamma = 0


  def render                       # NB using affine transforms here
    translate(xpos, ypos)
    production.each_char do |element|
      case element
      when 'B', 'A'                    
        line(0, 0, draw_length, 0)
        translate(draw_length, 0)
      when '+'
      when '-'        
      when 'X'                     # do nothing except recognize 'X' as a word in the L-system grammar
              puts "Character '#{element}' is not in grammar" 
  # create grammar from axiom and
  # rules (adjust scale)
  def create_grammar(gen)
    @draw_length *=  0.5**gen
    @production = grammar.generate gen

Click on image to see full size, I have since added a coarse slider (and renamed delta as fine). The fine range here is fairly conservative, you should try that first. Before trying the coarse or use both controls in combination, to get some pretty funky fractals... 
NB requires my custom grammar library see Cesàro fractal in a previous post for code.

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I have developed JRubyArt and propane new versions of ruby-processing for JRuby- and processing-3.2.2