Experiments with ruby-processing (processing-2.2.1) and JRubyArt for processing-3.0

Thursday, 3 March 2011

The 'growing' of a context-sensitive L-system plant (ruby-processing)

LSystem rules from a paper by Tong Lin at UMBC Maryland. The following code could be simplified if you could rely on string index being a char (ruby 1.9) rather than ascii value (ruby 1.8), tripped me up at first, ruby-processing is still at 1.8 (it depends on JRuby which will start supporting ruby 1.9 from JRuby version 1.6?)

Update 10 March 2011 just tried jruby-complete-1.6-RC3 still get old behaviour ie ascii value rather than char when indexing a string, nor is ord method supported still requires Jeremys shim to string.

# cs_test.rb
# A 3D Plant implemented using a Context Sensitive
# Lindenmayer System in ruby-processing
# by Martin Prout (3 March 2011)

class CS_Test < Processing::App
  full_screen # NB: All distances are relative to screen height
  load_libraries 'csplant', 'PeasyCam', 'opengl'
  import 'peasy'
  import "processing.opengl" if library_loaded? "opengl"
  attr_reader :csplant, :cam

  def setup
    library_loaded?(:opengl) ? configure_opengl : render_mode(P3D)
    @csplant = CSPlant.new(height)
    csplant.create_grammar 5

  def configure_peasycam
    cam = PeasyCam.new self, height / 6.5
    cam.set_minimum_distance height / 10
    cam.set_maximum_distance height

  def configure_opengl
    render_mode OPENGL
    hint ENABLE_OPENGL_4X_SMOOTH     # optional

  def draw
    background 0


The PeasyCam and csplant libraries need to be nested in the usual way in a library folder. This code is much more complicated than my previous post. This is mainly due to the need to ignore certain symbols when determining context, and hence need to navigate along the production string.

# csplant.rb
# A library used to implement
# a context sensitive
# 1-L lsystem grammar in
# ruby-processing
# by Martin Prout (4 March 2011)

# A helper class stores cs prefix idx, and cchar
# uses idx and char to determine context and
# pre to access context sensitive rule from rules
class CSRule

  attr_accessor :pre

  def initialize pre
    @pre = pre

  def idx
    x = 0
    if (pre[1] == 60)  # NB comparing ascii values until ruby 1.9 support
      x -= 1
    if (pre[1] == 62)  # ">"[0] = 62, "<"[0] = 60
      x += 1
    return x

  def cchar
    return pre[0]


# The grammar class stores lsystem rules
# in rules Hash, and context Hash if applicable
# In production context is checked (and applied)
# using get_rule method

class CSGrammar
  IGNORE = "[]+-^&3"       # characters to ignore for context as a constant string
  attr_reader :axiom, :context, :rules, :count
  def initialize(axiom)
    @axiom = axiom
    @rules = Hash.new
    @context = Hash.new

  def add_rule(pre, rule)
    if pre.length == 3
      context.store(pre[2], CSRule.new(pre))
    rules.store pre, rule

  def generate(repeat = 0) # repeat iteration grammar rules
    prod = axiom
    repeat.times do
      prod = new_production(prod)
    return prod

  def new_production prod  # single iteration grammar rules
    @count = 0       # initialise count on axiom or new prod
    prod.gsub!(/./) do |ch|
      get_rule(prod, ch)

  def get_rule prod, ch
    rule = ch   # default is to return original character as rule (ie no change)
    idx = count # idx is a local index, used to navigate the production string
    if (context.has_key?(ch[0]))      
      while IGNORE.include?(prod[context[ch[0]].idx + idx].chr)
        idx += context[ch[0]].idx
      if prod[context[ch[0]].idx + idx] == context[ch[0]].cchar
        rule = rules[context[ch[0]].pre]
        rule = rules[ch] if rules.has_key?(ch) # context free rule if it exists
      rule = rules[ch] if rules.has_key?(ch) # context free rule if it exists
    @count += 1 # increment the index of axiom/production as a side effect
    return rule

# CSPlant
class CSPlant
  include Processing::Proxy

  attr_reader :grammar, :axiom, :production, :premis, :rule,
  :theta, :scale_factor, :distance, :phi, :len

  def initialize(len)
    @axiom = "F"
    @grammar = CSGrammar.new(axiom)
    @production = axiom
    @len = len
    @distance = len/4      # distance value relative to screen height
    @theta = Math::PI/180 * 25
    @phi = Math::PI/180 * 25
    grammar.add_rule("F", "F[-EF[3&A]]E[+F[3^A]]")
    grammar.add_rule("F<E", "F[&F[3+A]][^F[3-A]]")  # context sensitive rule

  def render()
    fill(0, 75, 152)
    light_specular(204, 204, 204)
    specular(255, 255, 255)
    repeat = 1
    production.scan(/./) do |ch|
      when "F"
        translate(0, distance/-2, 0)
        box(distance/9, distance, distance/9)
        translate(0, distance/-2, 0)
      when "+"
        rotateX(-theta * repeat)
        repeat = 1
      when "-"
        rotateX(theta * repeat)
        repeat = 1
      when "&"
        rotateZ(-phi * repeat)
        repeat = 1
      when "^"
        rotateZ(phi * repeat)
        repeat = 1
      when "3"
        repeat = 3
      when "["
      when "]"
      when "E", "A"
        puts("character '#{ch}' not in grammar")
  # create grammar from axiom and
  # rules (adjust scale)

  def create_grammar(gen)
    @distance *= 0.5**gen
    @production = grammar.generate gen

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Exploring Context Sensitive LSystem rules in ruby / ruby-processing

Warning the following code depends on ruby 1.9, where string index returns a char rather than an ascii value (ruby 1.8) see following post for how this tripped me up at first when exploring a proper ruby-processing example. (Update 5 March 2011)

# cs_grammar.rb a context sensitive
# 1-L lsystem grammar for
# ruby/ruby-processing
# by Martin Prout (1 March 2011)

# A helper class stores
# cs rules idx, and cchar
# methods extract cs data
class CSRule
  attr_accessor :pre, :crule
  def initialize pre, crule
    @pre, @crule = pre, crule
  def idx
    x = 0
    if (pre[1] == "<")
      x -= 2
    return x
  def cchar
    return pre[0]


# The grammar class stores rules
# in two Hashes, one for cs rules,
# one for context free rules. Rules
# are filtered on input, and context
# is checked using get_rule in production

class CSGrammar

  attr_reader :axiom, :context, :no_context, :idx
  def initialize(axiom)
    @axiom = axiom
    @no_context = Hash.new
    @context = Hash.new
  def add_rule(pre, rule)
    case pre.length
      when 3
        @context.store(pre[2], CSRule.new(pre, rule)) # index, context, rule
      when 1
        @no_context.store pre, rule
      else print "unrecognized grammar '#{pre}'"  
  def generate(repeat = 0) # repeat iteration grammar rules
    prod = axiom
    repeat.times do
      prod = new_production(prod)
    return prod
  def new_production prod  # single iteration grammar rules
    @idx = 0
    prod.gsub!(/./) do |ch|
      get_rule(prod, ch)
  def get_rule prod, ch
    rule = ch # default is return original character as rule (no change)
    @idx += 1 # increment the index of axiom/production as a side effect
    if (context.has_key?(ch)) && (prod[context[ch].idx + idx] == context[ch].cchar)
      rule = context[ch].crule  # use context sensitive rule
      rule = no_context[ch] if no_context.has_key?(ch) # context free rule if it exists
    return rule

# Test data taken from ABOP

7.times do |i|
   grammar = CSGrammar.new("baaaaaa")
   grammar.add_rule("b<a", "b")  # context sensitive rule replace a when preceded by b
   grammar.add_rule("b", "a")
   result = grammar.generate(i)
   print result << "\n"

Test Output:


Note the way b 'travels' from left to right through the production string in the test output.


The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants

Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz
Aristid Lindenmayer


About Me

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I have developed JRubyArt and propane new versions of ruby-processing for JRuby- and processing-3.2.2