Experiments with ruby-processing (processing-2.2.1) and JRubyArt for processing-3.0

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Cesàro fractal using ruby processing context free DSL.

Approximate Cesàro fractal loosely based on mariojan C++ version.

load_library 'context_free'

def setup_the_triangle

  @triangle = ContextFree.define do
    class << self
      define_method(:wedge) do |some_options# thin triangle
        size, options = *get_shape_values(some_options)
        rot = options[:rotation]
        rotate(rot) if rot    
        super.triangle(-0.03 * size, 0, 0, -size, 0.03 * size, 0)
        rotate(-rot) if rot

    rule :tri do
      wedge :y => -0.5
      split do    
        [90, -90, 180, 0].each do |rot|    
        tri :y => 0.66667, :rotation => rot, :size => 0.5, :set_brightness => 1, :set_saturation => 1, :set_alpha => 1

    rule :four do
      split do
      4.times do |i|
        split do
        tri :rotation => 90 * i

    rule :cesaro do
      four :rotation => 45

def setup
  size 400, 400
  color_mode HSB, 1.0

def draw_it
  background 0, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0
  @triangle.render :cesaro, :size => height * 1.05, :stop_size => 3, :start_y => height/2, :start_x => width/2, :color => [0, 0.8, 0.8, 0.2]

Friday, 11 June 2010

Exploring Dynamic Randomness in ruby-processing context-free DSL

Here is a context free sketch that really needs to be run to appreciate it (links to library download at github above). I'm not sure why the bands don't fit edge to edge, still it does not spoil the effect. There is definitely an illusion of lateral movement with the colored bands, further owing to persistence of vision, the circles and squares seem to dissolve into each other.

load_library 'context_free'

def setup_the_streak

  @streak = ContextFree.define do

    rule :streak do
      split do
      10.times do |j|
        lines :y => j
    rule :lines do
      split do
      10.times do |i|
        tri :x => i
    rule :tri do
      square :size => 1.0, :color => [rand, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
    rule :tri do
      circle :size => 1.0, :color => [rand, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]


def setup
  size 600, 600
  color_mode HSB, 1.0

def draw_it
  background 0.1
  @streak.render :streak, :size => height/9, :stop_size => 3, :start_y => 0, :start_x => 0

def draw

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Towards an Escher Bird Tiling (Ruby processing context-free DSL)

load_libraries 'context_free'

def setup_the_birds

  @birds= ContextFree.define do
    ############ Begin defining custom terminal, an wavy_triangle triangle        
    class << self     
      define_method(:wavy_diamond) do |some_options# wavy_triangle triangle
        size, options = *self.get_shape_values(some_options)
        rot = options[:rotation]
        x0 = options[:x]
        y0 = options[:y]
        disp = options[:disp]
        pts = Array.new(16)
        pts[0] = PVector.new(x0 - 0.25 * size, y0 - size/Math.sqrt(3))     # A
        pts[2] = PVector.new(x0 + 0.75 * size, y0 - size/Math.sqrt(3))     # B
        pts[4] = PVector.new(x0 + 0.25 * size, y0 + (Math.sqrt(3)*size)/6) # C
        pts[6] = PVector.new(x0 - 0.75 * size, y0 + (Math.sqrt(3)*size)/6) # D
        pts[1] = get_mid_point(pts[0], pts[2])#Ab
        pts[3] = get_mid_point(pts[2], pts[4])#Bc
        pts[5] = get_mid_point(pts[4], pts[6])#Cd
        pts[7] = get_mid_point(pts[6], pts[0])#Da
        pts[8] = get_mid_point(pts[0], pts[1])#Aba
        adjust_bezier(pts[8], PI/2, -disp * size)#Aba
        pts[9] = get_mid_point(pts[1], pts[2])
        adjust_bezier(pts[9], PI/2, disp * size)
        pts[10] = get_mid_point(pts[2], pts[3])
        adjust_bezier(pts[10], PI/3, disp * size)
        pts[11] = get_mid_point(pts[3], pts[4])
        adjust_bezier(pts[11], PI/3, -disp * size)
        pts[12] = get_mid_point(pts[4], pts[5])
        adjust_bezier(pts[12], PI/2, disp * size)
        pts[13] = get_mid_point(pts[5], pts[6])
        adjust_bezier(pts[13], PI/2, -disp * size)
        pts[14] = get_mid_point(pts[6], pts[7])
        adjust_bezier(pts[14], PI/3, -disp * size)
        pts[15] = get_mid_point(pts[7], pts[0])
        adjust_bezier(pts[15], PI/3, disp * size)
        rotate(rot) if rot
        stroke 0
        vertex(pts[0].x, pts[0].y)
        bezier_vertex(pts[0].x, pts[0].y, pts[8].x, pts[8].y, pts[1].x, pts[1].y)
        bezier_vertex(pts[1].x, pts[1].y, pts[9].x, pts[9].y, pts[2].x, pts[2].y)
        bezier_vertex(pts[2].x, pts[2].y, pts[10].x, pts[10].y, pts[3].x, pts[3].y)
        bezier_vertex(pts[3].x, pts[3].y, pts[11].x, pts[11].y, pts[4].x, pts[4].y)
        bezier_vertex(pts[4].x, pts[4].y, pts[12].x, pts[12].y, pts[5].x, pts[5].y)
        bezier_vertex(pts[5].x, pts[5].y, pts[13].x, pts[13].y, pts[6].x, pts[6].y)
        bezier_vertex(pts[6].x, pts[6].y, pts[14].x, pts[14].y, pts[7].x, pts[7].y)
        bezier_vertex(pts[7].x, pts[7].y, pts[15].x, pts[15].y, pts[0].x, pts[0].y)
        vertex(pts[0].x, pts[0].y)
        rotate(-rot) if rot
      def adjust_bezier(base, theta, disp)
        base.add(PVector.new(Math.cos(theta)*disp, Math.sin(theta)*disp))
      def get_mid_point(a, b)
        mid = PVector.add(a, b)
        return mid
    ########### End definition of custom terminal 'wavy_diamond' shape
    rule :birds do
      10.times do |i|
        10.times do |j|
          wavy_diamond :size => 1, :x => (i*2 + 0.5 * j%2), :y => j * 0.9

def setup
  size 400, 400

def draw_it
  background 255
  @birds.render :birds, :start_x => -50, :start_y => 20,
  :size => height/6, :color => [0, 0.8, 0.8, 1], :disp => 0.32

def draw
  # do nothing

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Weird Flower Ruby Processing Context Free DSL

load_library 'context_free'

def setup_the_flower
  @flower= ContextFree.define do
    ############ Begin defining custom terminal, an wavy triangle        
    class << self    
      define_method(:wavy) do |some_options# wavy triangle
        size, options = *self.get_shape_values(some_options)
        rot = options[:rotation]
        disp = 0.32          # could introduce a rule option?
        x0 = options[:x]
        y0 = options[:y]
        pts = Array.new(12)
        pts[0] = PVector.new(x0, y0 - size/Math.sqrt(3))                  # A
        pts[1] = PVector.new(x0 - 0.5 * size, y0 + (Math.sqrt(3)*size)/6) # B
        pts[2] = PVector.new(x0 + 0.5 * size, y0 + (Math.sqrt(3)*size)/6) # C
        pts[3] = get_mid_point(pts[0], pts[1])                            # Ab
        pts[4] = get_mid_point(pts[1], pts[2])                            # Bc
        pts[5] = get_mid_point(pts[0], pts[2])                            # Ca
        pts[6] = get_mid_point(pts[0], pts[3])                            # Aba
        adjust_bezier(pts[6], PI/3, disp*size)                            # Aba
        pts[7] = get_mid_point(pts[3], pts[1])                            # Abb
        adjust_bezier(pts[7], PI/3, -disp*size)                           # Abb
        pts[8] = get_mid_point(pts[1], pts[4])
        adjust_bezier(pts[8], PI/2, -disp*size)
        pts[9] = get_mid_point(pts[4], pts[2])
        adjust_bezier(pts[9], PI/2, disp*size)
        pts[10] = get_mid_point(pts[2], pts[5])
        adjust_bezier(pts[10], -PI/3, -disp*size)
        pts[11] = get_mid_point(pts[5], pts[0])
        adjust_bezier(pts[11], -PI/3, disp*size)
        rotate(rot) if rot
          vertex(pts[0].x, pts[0].y)
          bezier_vertex(pts[0].x, pts[0].y, pts[6].x, pts[6].y, pts[3].x, pts[3].y)
          bezier_vertex(pts[3].x, pts[3].y, pts[7].x, pts[7].y, pts[1].x, pts[1].y)
          bezier_vertex(pts[1].x, pts[1].y, pts[8].x, pts[8].y, pts[4].x, pts[4].y)
          bezier_vertex(pts[4].x, pts[4].y, pts[9].x, pts[9].y, pts[2].x, pts[2].y)
          bezier_vertex(pts[2].x, pts[2].y, pts[10].x, pts[10].y, pts[5].x, pts[5].y)
          bezier_vertex(pts[5].x, pts[5].y, pts[11].x, pts[11].y, pts[0].x, pts[0].y)
        rotate(-rot) if rot
      def adjust_bezier(base, theta, disp)
        base.add(PVector.new(Math.cos(theta)*disp, Math.sin(theta)*disp))
      def get_mid_point(a, b)
        mid = PVector.add(a, b)
        return mid
    ########### End definition of custom terminal 'wavy' shape
    rule :flower do
      split do
      6.times do |i|
        petal :size => 1, :rotation => 60 * i, :y => -0.2866
    rule :petal do
      wavy :rotation => 7.5

def setup
  size 400, 400
  background 255

def draw_it
  @flower.render :flower, :start_x => width/2, :start_y => height*0.66,
               :size => height*0.55, :color => [0, 0.5, 0.8, 0.5]

Alhambra Tiling Ruby Processing Context Free DSL

load_library 'context_free'

def setup_the_tiles
  @tiles= ContextFree.define do
    ############ Begin defining custom terminal, an wavy_triangle triangle        
    class << self    
      define_method(:wavy_triangle) do |some_options# wavy_triangle triangle
        size, options = *self.get_shape_values(some_options)
        rot = options[:rotation]
        disp = 0.32          # could introduce a rule option?
        x0 = options[:x]
        y0 = options[:y]
        pts = Array.new(12)
        pts[0] = PVector.new(x0, y0 - size/Math.sqrt(3))                  # A
        pts[1] = PVector.new(x0 - 0.5 * size, y0 + (Math.sqrt(3)*size)/6) # B
        pts[2] = PVector.new(x0 + 0.5 * size, y0 + (Math.sqrt(3)*size)/6) # C
        pts[3] = get_mid_point(pts[0], pts[1])                            # Ab
        pts[4] = get_mid_point(pts[1], pts[2])                            # Bc
        pts[5] = get_mid_point(pts[0], pts[2])                            # Ca
        pts[6] = get_mid_point(pts[0], pts[3])                            # Aba
        adjust_bezier(pts[6], PI/3, disp*size)                            # Aba
        pts[7] = get_mid_point(pts[3], pts[1])                            # Abb
        adjust_bezier(pts[7], PI/3, -disp*size)                           # Abb
        pts[8] = get_mid_point(pts[1], pts[4])
        adjust_bezier(pts[8], PI/2, -disp*size)
        pts[9] = get_mid_point(pts[4], pts[2])
        adjust_bezier(pts[9], PI/2, disp*size)
        pts[10] = get_mid_point(pts[2], pts[5])
        adjust_bezier(pts[10], -PI/3, -disp*size)
        pts[11] = get_mid_point(pts[5], pts[0])
        adjust_bezier(pts[11], -PI/3, disp*size)
        rotate(rot) if rot
          vertex(pts[0].x, pts[0].y)
          bezier_vertex(pts[0].x, pts[0].y, pts[6].x, pts[6].y, pts[3].x, pts[3].y)
          bezier_vertex(pts[3].x, pts[3].y, pts[7].x, pts[7].y, pts[1].x, pts[1].y)
          bezier_vertex(pts[1].x, pts[1].y, pts[8].x, pts[8].y, pts[4].x, pts[4].y)
          bezier_vertex(pts[4].x, pts[4].y, pts[9].x, pts[9].y, pts[2].x, pts[2].y)
          bezier_vertex(pts[2].x, pts[2].y, pts[10].x, pts[10].y, pts[5].x, pts[5].y)
          bezier_vertex(pts[5].x, pts[5].y, pts[11].x, pts[11].y, pts[0].x, pts[0].y)
        rotate(-rot) if rot
      def adjust_bezier(base, theta, disp)
        base.add(PVector.new(Math.cos(theta)*disp, Math.sin(theta)*disp))
      def get_mid_point(a, b)
        mid = PVector.add(a, b)
        return mid
    ########### End definition of custom terminal 'wavy_triangle' shape
    rule :tiles do
      10.times do |i|
        10.times do |j|
          wavy_triangle :size => 1, :x => (i + 0.5 * j%2), :y => j * 0.9

def setup
  size 400, 400
  background 255

def draw_it
  @tiles.render :tiles, :start_x => -50, :start_y => 20,
               :size => height/6, :color => [0, 0.8, 0.8, 1]

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Red Dwarf (Ruby Processing Context Free DSL)

load_library 'context_free'

def setup_the_red_dwarf
  @red_dwarf = ContextFree.define do
    rule :red_dwarf do  
      5.times do |i|
        angle :rotation => 72
    rule :angle do
      110.times do |i|
        triangle :size => 1.01, :rotation => i, :y => -1, :alpha => 0.1

def setup
  size 600, 600

def draw
  # do nothing

def draw_it
  background 0
  @red_dwarf.render :red_dwarf,
               :start_x => width/2, :start_y => height/2,
               :size => height/1.5, :color => [0.01, 1, 1, 0.1]

def mouse_clicked


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I have developed JRubyArt and propane new versions of ruby-processing for JRuby- and processing-3.2.2