# elegant.rb
class ElegantBall < Processing::App
load_library :opengl
attr_reader :start_t
def setup()
library_loaded?(:opengl) ? configure_opengl : render_mode(P3D)
color_mode(RGB, 1)
def configure_opengl
render_mode OPENGL
hint ENABLE_OPENGL_4X_SMOOTH # optional
def draw()
# Move the origin so that the scene is centered on the screen.
translate(width/2, height/2, 0.0)
# Set up the lighting.
# Rotate the local coordinate system.
smooth_rotation(5.0, 6.7, 7.3)
# Draw the inner object.
fill(smooth_colour(10.0, 12.0, 7.0))
draw_icosahedron(5, 60.0, false)
# Rotate the local coordinate system again.
smooth_rotation(4.5, 3.7, 7.3)
# Draw the outer object.
fill(smooth_colour(6.0, 9.2, 0.7))
draw_icosahedron(5, 200.0, true)
def setup_lights
ambient_light(0.025, 0.025, 0.025)
directional_light(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, -1, -1, -1)
spot_light(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -200, 0, 300, 1, 0, -1, Math::PI/4, 20)
# Generate a vector whose components change smoothly over time in the range [ 0, 1 ].
# Each component uses a Math.sin() function to map the current time in milliseconds somewhere
# in the range [ 0, 1 ].A 'speed' factor is specified for each component.
def smooth_vector(s1, s2, s3)
mills = millis * 0.00003 ## Lazydogs factor
# mills = millis * 0.0000001 ## worked for me a bit slower!!
x = 0.5 * Math.sin(mills * s1) + 0.5
y = 0.5 * Math.sin(mills * s2) + 0.5
z = 0.5 * Math.sin(mills * s3) + 0.5
PVector.new(x, y, z)
# Generate a colour which smoothly changes over time.
# The speed of each component is controlled by the parameters s1, s2 and s3.
def smooth_colour(s1, s2, s3)
v = smooth_vector(s1, s2, s3)
color(v.x, v.y, v.z)
# Rotate the current coordinate system.
# Uses smooth_vector() to smoothly animate the rotation.
def smooth_rotation(s1, s2, s3)
r1 = smooth_vector(s1, s2, s3)
rotate_x(2.0 * Math::PI * r1.x)
rotate_y(2.0 * Math::PI * r1.y)
rotate_x(2.0 * Math::PI * r1.z)
# Draw an icosahedron defined by a radius r and recursive depth d.
# Geometry data will be saved into dst. If spherical is true then the icosahedron
# is projected onto the sphere with radius r.
def draw_icosahedron(depth, r, spherical)
# Calculate the vertex data for an icosahedron inscribed by a sphere radius 'r'.
# Use 4 Golden Ratio rectangles as the basis.
gr = (1.0 + Math.sqrt(5.0)) / 2.0
h = r / Math.sqrt(1.0 + gr * gr)
v =
PVector.new(0, -h, h*gr), PVector.new(0, -h, -h*gr), PVector.new(0, h, -h*gr), PVector.new(0, h, h*gr),
PVector.new(h, -h*gr, 0), PVector.new(h, h*gr, 0), PVector.new(-h, h*gr, 0), PVector.new(-h, -h*gr, 0),
PVector.new(-h*gr, 0, h), PVector.new(-h*gr, 0, -h), PVector.new(h*gr, 0, -h), PVector.new(h*gr, 0, h)
# Draw the 20 triangular faces of the icosahedron.
unless spherical then
r = 0.0
draw_triangle(depth, r, v[0], v[7],v[4])
draw_triangle(depth, r, v[0], v[4], v[11])
draw_triangle(depth, r, v[0], v[11], v[3])
draw_triangle(depth, r, v[0], v[3], v[8])
draw_triangle(depth, r, v[0], v[8], v[7])
draw_triangle(depth, r, v[1], v[4], v[7])
draw_triangle(depth, r, v[1], v[10], v[4])
draw_triangle(depth, r, v[10], v[11], v[4])
draw_triangle(depth, r, v[11], v[5], v[10])
draw_triangle(depth, r, v[5], v[3], v[11])
draw_triangle(depth, r, v[3], v[6], v[5])
draw_triangle(depth, r, v[6], v[8], v[3])
draw_triangle(depth, r, v[8], v[9], v[6])
draw_triangle(depth, r, v[9], v[7], v[8])
draw_triangle(depth, r, v[7], v[1], v[9])
draw_triangle(depth, r, v[2], v[1], v[9])
draw_triangle(depth, r, v[2], v[10], v[1])
draw_triangle(depth, r, v[2], v[5], v[10])
draw_triangle(depth, r, v[2], v[6], v[5])
draw_triangle(depth, r, v[2], v[9], v[6])
# Draw a triangle either immediately or subdivide it first.
# If depth is 1 then draw the triangle otherwise subdivide first.
def draw_triangle(depth, r, p1, p2, p3)
if (depth == 1) then
vertex(p1.x, p1.y, p1.z)
vertex(p2.x, p2.y, p2.z)
vertex(p3.x, p3.y, p3.z)
# Calculate the mid points of this triangle.
v1 = PVector.mult(PVector.add(p1, p2), 0.5)
v2 = PVector.mult(PVector.add(p2, p3), 0.5)
v3 = PVector.mult(PVector.add(p3, p1), 0.5)
unless (r == 0.0) then
# Project the verticies out onto the sphere with radius r.
## Generate the next level of detail
depth -= 1
draw_triangle(depth, r, p1, v1, v3)
draw_triangle(depth, r, v1, p2, v2)
draw_triangle(depth, r, v2, p3, v3)
# Uncomment out the next line to include the central part of the triangle.
# draw_triangle(depth, r, v1, v2, v3)
if java.lang.System.get_property('os.name') == "Linux" then
ElegantBall.new(:width => 800, :height => 800, :title => "Elegant Ball", :full_screen => true)
ElegantBall.new(:width => 800, :height => 800, :title => "Elegant Ball", :full_screen => false)
"rp5 run elegant_ball.rb". See screenshot of running sketch below:-
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